Saturday, August 7, 2010


“Cyrus” stars John C. Reilly, Marisa Tomei, Jonah Hill and Catherine Keener. The film was written and directed by both Jay and Mark Duplass who, like most who venture into the “I can do it all” arena, fail the audience since the film never quite lets us know enough about the Cyrus character although we are constantly bombarded by his actions and conduct. The film ends rapidly tying loose ends together but it is almost an afterthought that this happens and one gets the feeling that audience previews demanded a different ending and the writers/directors dutifully obliged. I give this film 2 and ½ stars because of the fine acting of Ms. Tomei (who just doesn’t know how to perform badly) and to Mr. Reilly who makes the most of the part he is given. I would have been glad to recommend the film were it not for the rapid and not very realistic last ten minutes of the film where the viewer waits for but never gets that for which he so anxiously anticipated..

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