Friday, July 30, 2010


“Inception” was written and directed by Christopher Nolan. The film stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Ellen Page, Tom Berenger, Michael Caine and Marion Cotillard in this 148 minutes worth of confusion and anarchy as Mr. Nolan’s script tries to make sense out of a difficult concept to not only comprehend but from which to make a descent film. What amazes me is the kind of box office numbers the film is scoring in spite of what I considered a most disappointing theatrical experience. The film is a series of special effects cameos with no really coherent string tying them together as the characters go in an out of various stages of dreams and realities faster than a subway turnstile at rush hour. At one point I actually considered getting up and walking out of the theater. It was like listening to a large orchestra playing but without any melody. Despite a heavy cast and extraordinary visual effects, there is no emotional basis to any of the characters regardless of the dream or conscious level they are at. Much too difficult to follow and enjoy, I give this film a generous 2 stars with a suggestion to potential viewers that even Dr, Freud would have a problem understanding what was going happening on the screen.

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