Friday, November 20, 2009

Crazy Heart

“Crazy Heart” stars Jeff Bridges, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Robert Duvall and Colin Farrell (whose name for some unknown reason does not appear on the credits). Mr. Bridges brings to the screen probably his finest performance to date as he portrays a down and out country western singer and the life he is forced to lead as his career steadily winds down. Both Jeff Bridges and Colin Farrell sing in the film using their own voices and the result is exemplary. The film, written, produced and directed by Scott Cooper (based on a novel by Thomas Cobb) is well edited and shows the many talents of Mr. Scott in all of the titles he has assumed. Scheduled to open December 16 (so as to be eligible for Oscar consideration), it will be no surprise to see Jeff Bridges prominently mentioned in the best male actor catergory for 2009. It is his film from opening scene to closing fade as he does both the screenplay and his career a great service. I give this film 3 stars with the hope that all will go to see it and not be dissuaded by the country western genre. Good performances and good films should have no label.

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