Sunday, October 20, 2019


Parasite” is a South Korean film co-written and directed by Joon-ho Bong. It tells the story of two families whose fates and directions intersect and become interwined in a series of plot twists and turns that sometimes boggle the ability of the viewer to enjoy the film. This is a movie that just can’t seem to make up its mind…is it a comedy…or is it a tragedy…or is it both. Also confusing and somewhat annoying are the English titles that seem to clash against and appear inconsistent with the words being spoken by the actors. At a minimum this recurring inconsistency between the titles and the spoken words became for this writer, at least,  a major distraction.
Rarely have I seen a film receive such unwarranted and undeserving praise and accolade by the critics who I can’t believe saw the same movie I did. I found the scenes in the film to be drawn out and the movie itself to be unnecessarily long, again the penalty for having the writer/director charged with editing (or failing to edit) his own work product. I give the film 2 stars and recommend it to anyone looking for a nice nap in a movie house..

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