Saturday, January 6, 2018

"The Post" stars Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks in this bio-drama written by Liv Hannah and Josh Singer and directed by Steven Spielberg. This film is more than the story of the publishing of the infamous Pentagon Papers for it relates to the role of Kathryn Graham, the first female publisher of a major newspaper and the culture that brought her to that position, as well as the basic issues of press freedom and whether any one person in government can be more powerful than the media and its position in our society. Ms. Streep, as Mrs. Graham, and Mr . Hanks. as Ben Bradlee, render superb performances as protectors of the public’s right to know. For anyone growing up in this era and for those who are unfamiliar with the events of the time, it is a story well told as Mr. Spielberg educates and entertains the audience. For all of those reasons. I give the film 3 and ½ stars and recommend that it be viewed by as many as possible.

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