Monday, January 14, 2013


“Quartet” stars Maggie Smith, Tom Courtenay, Billy Connolly and a host of aged British actors and singers who, in their golden years, get an opportunity to play octogenarians plus in the directorial debut of actor Dustin Hoffman. Based on the stage play by Ronald Harwood, who also wrote the screenplay, this is a simple story of aging, frustration and talent long forgotten or lost. More than that, tt is a subtle tale of aging ex-lovers who rediscover life and what they missed for so many years. The chemistry and on-screen presence of Ms. Smith and Mr. Courtenay is rare and wonderful and] kudos to Mr. Courtenay’s performance for it’s no easy chore to keep pace with and share the screen with Ms. Smith who, as always, is captivating and magnificent.. The film’s story is somewhat trite and is reminiscent  of the old MGM type musical where the “kids” put on a show to raise needed funds for a worthy cause.. Here, these elderly players are committed to the same kind of cause except that they differ in age by at least 65 years to those of the Rooney-Garland genre. I give this charming film 3 stars with a special appreciation to Mr. Hoffman who manages to make the most of his talented cast amidst a not too exciting  story and script.

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