Thursday, December 6, 2018


"Shoplifters" is a Japanese language film written and directed by Hirokazu Koreeda. This is a difficult film to watch for a number of reasons, the most prominent being that the script and the story it tells is confusing and almost impossible to follow. The last third of the film tries to explain who the characters really are and the motivations each has in relation to the other but this places too much of a burden on the audience who, for 2/3 of the film had to sit adrift and at sea in trying to find out exactly what is going on. Much like the critics of the artsy Ingmar Bergman movies, so many of the critics who loved this film saw more in it than I believe the writer/director ever intended. The editing room needed someone in it in addition to Mr. Koreeda in order to give objective cuts, segues and scene placement changes so that the story sought to be told would be more easily understood. In its present form, however, and bearing in mind the kindness of the season, I generously give it 2 stars with the responsibility for this low rating falling squarely on the shoulders (and probably the ego) of Mr. Koreeda.

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