“Roma” is a film written and directed by Alfonso Cuaron
and is his attempt to pay homage and acknowledge his childhood in the Roma
section of Mexico City as well as the housekeepers that cared for him and his
siblings. Filmed in black and white this film has become the choice of so many
critics and award entities so I find myself again at odds with the so called
pros for this film, as good as it is, is not great, nor in my opinion is it
worthy of the accolades being heaped upon it. This is the story of a family, a
marriage and those who kept house for them…..and that is where it all really
begins and ends.
So, like a fly on a wall, we watch the residents and
servants interact in a really not too exciting series of mundane events as they
go about their assigned chores and fulfill their designated roles. I give the
film 2 and ½ stars as I continue to wonder what the excitement regarding it is
all about..Perhaps the highest award should go to the distributor’s PR firm for
being able to generate such unwarranted hype and activity..
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