Friday, October 11, 2013


“Gravity” stars Sandra Bullock, George Clooney and the voice of Ed Harris. As lacking as it is in the number of cast members, it is even more lacking in terms of entertainment. Director and co-writer Alfonso Cuaron has given us a film that is devoid of logic and reality. Although one must acknowledge the awesome scenes supposedly from outer space, this could all be achieved  by watching the opening credits of “2001 A Space Oddysey” or attending an Imax film on the International Space Station.
Ms. Bullock and Mr. Clooney just don’t belong in the movie since their portrayals are simply not believable.. In casting Ms. Bullock, the director no doubt remembered her in the film “Speed” and her attempt to control a runaway bus. Unfortunately, in this film, she is supposed to be more than an innocent passenger and, instead of a bus, she plays an astronaut attempting to control a damaged space ship. It just doesn’t work and the 91 minutes it takes to tell the story is much too long, even for a “woe-manned” (pun intended) space flight. Mr. Clooney’s participation is a puzzlement and, as for Ed Harris, he was smart enough not to be seen but only heard..As I watched the film I was aware of the large number of critics who literally loved this picture. Why, I do not know. As for me, I can only be grateful that I saw the film in 3D since the space images are the only redeeming features in it. For that reason I give the film 2 stars for, without these scenes, it could well deserve less.

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