Friday, January 15, 2010


“Invictus”, produced and directed by Clint Eastwood, stars Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon. With a screenplay written by Anthony Peckham based on the book by John Carlin, this is a film that deserves being seen for no other reason than its historical significance as it relates the efforts of Nelson Mandela following his election in 1990 to unite the blacks and whites in the country of South Africa. Gaining its title from the poem by William Edward Henley, the film unites sports and politics into an involved melodrama. The only difficulty in this otherwise interesting and exciting film is that the actors, speaking Afrikaner or heavy accents based on it, need English titles to better understand what is being said. I give this film 3 stars for both its value as a vehicle of pure entertainment and, also, for its educational and historical value as well.

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