Saturday, October 28, 2017

The Meyerowitz Stories

“The Meyerowtiz Stories (New and Selected)” was written and directed by Noah Baumbach and stars Adam Sandler, Ben Stiller,  Dustin Hoffman and Emma Thompson. Mr. Baumbach has given us the story of  a dysfunctional family where each member has an estranged relationship without any of them able to create the pathos of caring from the audience as their never ending  arguing and disagreements  pervade the screen. Despite the good acting of Messrs. Sandler and Stiller, the film, billed as a “drama/comedy” is not funny nor is it deep enough to encourage the viewer to really care about any of its characters.  Available to subscribers of Netflix as well as in theaters, I give the film 2 and ½ stars for, despite a powerful cast, it really becomes nothing more than a nice movie without much substance.