Sunday, September 11, 2016


“Sully” is a film depicting the events that occurred on January 15, 2009 when a US Airways pilot, “Sully” Sullenberger, miraculously landed an Airbus 320 airliner in the Hudson River in lower Manhattan and saved the lives of all 155 persons aboard. The film stars Tom Hanks, Laura Linney and Aaron Eckhart and was directed by Clint Eastwood who, like rare wine, seems to get better with each passing year. Told via flashbacks and background events, the audience is made an integral part of the fateful events that the passengers on the New York to Charleston flight experienced that cold winter morning as their plane departed from Laguardia Airport and ended up in the icy waters of the Hudson. The film is indeed a testament to the expertise of the pilot whose split second performance is later evaluated and scrutinized by the investigating agencies using the benefit of hindsight with their self-serving 20/20 vision. It’s always impressive to see a film where everyone knows the outcome yet a feeling of tension and anxiety can be so effectively created in spite of that. Kudos to Mr. Eastwood whose directorial skills show themselves in each frame and scene and make this a truly positive movie to see. A Washington Post article jokingly said that one should never travel with Mr. Hanks for as "Captain Phillips", the Federal Express employee in "Cast Away" and the commander of "Apollo 13", his trips almost always seem to encounter problems. That being said, I urge all to travel this time with Mr. Hanks as Captain Sullenberger on his 280 second flight from land to water, It is a quality venture that the movie traveler most certainly will enjoy.  I give the film 3 and 1/2 stars for no matter what seat you are in, it will truly be a "first class"  experience.