Sunday, August 26, 2012

Robot and Frank

“Robot and Frank” is a film from first time director Jake Schreier. Written by Christopher Ford the film stars Frank Langella, Susan Sarandon and Liv Tyler and takes place “sometime in the near future” where robotic technology is used to aid those with Alzheimer’s Disease and other memory disabilities. Although well intentioned and sensitive to an ailment that unfortunately befalls too many in our society, the movie never quite reaches its potential and trivializes a subject that deserves more meaningful attention. Well acted but not well written, the film offers a perspective to those who are either unaware or insensitivet to the problems of aging and the diseases that too often accompany it. I give the film 2 and ½ stars because, if you forgive the use of the word, it is really quite “forgettable.”

Friday, August 10, 2012

Hope Springs

“Hope Springs” stars Meryl Streep, Tommy Lee Jones and Steve Carell. Directed by David Frankel and written by Vanessa Taylor this is a film that had a great idea (facing the problems of marital boredom) and wonderful potential, both of which unfortunately are never realized. The film plays more like a slow moving exercise in three way conversations between the main characters and the unrealistic almost stereotyped roles each plays. Real life just isn’t like that and for that reason the movie completely misses the mark. Overplayed by Mr. Jones as the guy who takes his wife of 31 years for granted, he becomes almost a cartoon image of the person he is asked to portray. Ms. Streep, on the other hand, in an attempt to be the dutiful wife seeking to reinsert the verve and spunk in the marriage it once had, jumps from anger, hurt and adoration in such fast mood changes that most married couples will acknowledge that things never occur that way. This is clearly a low budget film with almost minimal production values unless you consider nice furniture in a therapist’s office as an example of big spending. That aside, the film does a terrible disservice to 3 fine actors who, like the film’s marriage, are trapped in a bland and slow moving vehicle. Poor editing, writing and directing compel that this film receive only 2 stars.